Flat Plate Hoist Hanger for Aluminum Beams
- Designed for center mounting
- Fits 4 in. aluminum beams
- 6061-T6 marine-grade US aluminum
- Dual pipe supports come with installed 1/4 in. grease fittings
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Flat Plate Hoist Hanger for Aluminum Beams
The Flat Plate Hoist Hanger mounts to overhead aluminum structural beams. Slides onto the flange of the beam. Used in center-mounted overhead boat lifts. Includes dual-drive pipe support. Accepts 2 in. ID / 2 3/8 in. drive pipes. Each sleeve has a 1/4 in. grease fitting. Allows for easy greasing of the drive pipe. Includes flat=plate hoist mounting bracket welded to the pipe support. Uses standard flat-plate mounting holes.
Made from 6061-T6 US aluminum. Allows for option cable winder between the sleeves. Mount boat hoist horizontally for maximum overhead clearance. Fits 6 in. Web x 4 in. flange beam. Easy installation on boat lifts.
Dual pipe supports, with or without hoist hanger, is best used in a center mount configuration. A 4,000 lb. maximum rating per hoist hanger when used correctly in center mounting. Side mounting greatly reducts the dual pipe support and hoist hanger capacity. A 1,000 lb. maximum rating when used correctly for side mounting. See the attached guide for more information and limitations.
Drill (4) holes into the hanger flange directly under the i-beam and then mount the boat hoist.